


1944 Born in Wilmington, Delaware, USA
1963 - 65 Enrolled in the University of Strasbourg
1965 - 67 Enrolled in the Ecole d’ Etudes Sociales et Pedagogiques, Lausanne, in program for art therapy in psychiatry
1967 - 69 Residence in London, works at the Arts Laboratory, Drury Lane, on a variety of projects, including the Information Lab and the Alchemical Wedding, a ‘happening’ in the
Royal, Albert Hall, with John Lennon & Yoko Ono
1969 - 73 Worked as Art Therapist at the Concord Area Community Mental Health Center, Concord, and McLean Hospital, Belmont, a psychiatric teaching hospital for Harvard Medical School
1975 University of Massachusetts, received a BA degree in Philosophy of Art and a minor in studio art (engraving)
Lives and works in the Netherlands

Exhibitions (Selection)

2019 Landschaft, Städtische Galerie Waldkraiburg
Au rendez-vous des amis, Aurel Scheibler, Berlin
2018 Bedrock, Kunstverein Malkasten, Düsseldorf
2017 ...Das Unglück der Frage. Die Sammlung der Heinrich Gebert Kulturstiftung im Dialog II, Kunstmuseum Appenzell
Orientate, Kunsttempel Kassel
The Path, Aurel Scheibler, Berlin (solo)
2016 DASEIN, Zeichnungen, Fotografien, Gedichte, Kunstmuseum Appenzell (solo)
2015/16 Die Kräfte hinter den Formen, Galerie im Taxipalais, Innsbruck / Kunstmuseum Krefeld / Kunstmuseum Thun
2015 Jonathan Bragdon, Galerie Klüser, Munich (solo)
Jonathan Bragdon – Consciousness Portraits, art berlin contemporary (solo)
AUGEN WEIT ZU, kunsTTempel, Kassel
2014 Hängende Gärten, Künstler- und Künstlerinnenvereinigung MAERZ, Linz
TINO : SatzZeichnungen, Kunsttempel Kassel
2013 Landscape, Aurel Scheibler, Berlin
Abstract Specific | Specific Abstract, Werkleitz Jubiläums Fesitval, Halle (Saale)
Linien, oqbo – raum für bild wort ton, Berlin
2012 Linien, Dok25a, Dusseldorf
2011 Scenery, Landscape in the 21st Century, 37PK, Haarlem
Line- up, Marion Scharmann, Cologne (group)
2010 Wetering Gallery, Amsterdam
2009 Shadow / Existence, ScheiblerMitte, Berlin
Förderkoje New Positions, Art Cologne
2008 Why I Think My Drawings Are Not A Waste Of Time, Aurel Scheibler, Berlin
2006 Phoebus Gallery, Rotterdam
2005 Gongju International Art Festival, R.O. Korea
2002 Kunsttempel, Kassel, in “Stadtprogramm im documenta-jahr 2002”
2000 Galerie “frontstore”, Basel
Grafisch Atelier ‘t Gooi, Hilversum
1988 Wetering Gallery, Amsterdam
1987 Galerie Resy Muijsers, Tilburg
1985 Wetering Gallery, Amsterdam
Galerie Fenna de Vries, Rotterdam
Galerie Orez Mobil, Den Haag
1984 Wetering Gallery, Amsterdam
1983 Galerie Fenna de Vries, Rotterdam
1982 Wetering Gallery, Amsterdam
Galerie Resy Muijsers, Tilburg